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Ciemność przed Świtem: After Daybreak

Combining breathless romance, dark family secrets, and cinematic action, After Daybreak will keep readers turning pages late into the night. The Darkness Before Dawn series is a unique blend of paranormal and dystopian fiction that is perfect for fans of Christopher Pike’s Thirst novels and the House of Night series.

Dawn returns from L.A. with terrifying news: In his greed for power, the maniacal Day Walker Sin is raising an army and infecting his followers with the Thirst—a rabieslike disease that will turn them into mindless killers. To stop him, Dawn and Victor will have to convince humans and vampires to work together before it’s too late.

Cykl Ciemność przed świtem:

1. Ciemność przed świtem
2. Blood-Kissed Sky
3. After Daybreak

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Dodał: Cruciatus
25 VII 2013 (ponad 12 lat temu)

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