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Soul Bound

Sunny McDonald and her vampire boyfriend Magnus are on the run—accused of treason and wanted alive…or undead. And her own twin sister is the slayer sent to track them down.

Rayne would do anything to save her sister Sunny from the Vampire Consortium dictator who wants her dead. Instead, she’s been commissioned by Slayer Inc. to bring her twin back for justice…which Rayne knows means certain death. She also knows that if she and her boyfriend Jareth go against orders, they’re not only signing their own death warrants, but those of every vampire in the Blood Coven.

As a rival slayer with a personal vendetta moves in, Rayne and Jareth know they must do something to stop her. So they embark on their most dangerous journey yet, deep, down beneath the streets of New York City and through the Gates of the Underworld itself. But when a greedy god demands the ultimate sacrifice, will Rayne be forced to choose–between her sister…and the vampire she loves?

Saga Bractwo Krwi

1. Chłopcy, którzy gryzą
2. Zaryzykuj
3. Dziewczyny, które warczą
4. Zła krew
5. Nocna szkoła
6. Blood ties
7. Soul Bound
8. Blood forever

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Rok wydania: -
Ocena: 3.5
Liczba głosów: 2
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Dodał: elena18
25 V 2011 (ponad 14 lat temu)

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