A love that burns brighter than starlight. A gift that could leave her world in ashes. It’s time for Zarya to release the fire within.
In the jeweled city of Dharati, Zarya found passion and adventure for the first time. A mysterious stranger named Rabin helped to free the power within her—a dark,...
For years, Zarya has been trapped in a gilded prison. Her magic is forbidden, a dangerous secret—though nobody will explain why. Now she is ready to break free and find the truth.
Escaping to the dazzling city of Dharati, Zarya discovers a new world of enchantment and intrigue. With the help of sed...
After Lor makes the biggest mistake of her life, she finds herself on the run from the Aurora King and decides it's time to end this, once and for all. But when a new enemy emerges to claim her freedom, the entire fate of Ouranos comes to rest on her shoulders.
As the land continues to rebel, Lor m...
With the Heart Crown now in her possession, Lor must navigate the dangers of being an heir on the run, knowing more than one power-hungry ruler is after her blood. When she returns to Aphelion to unlock her magic and recover her family's legacy, it becomes clearer than ever that all that’s gold does...
Gdy Lor została uwolniona ze złotych szponów Króla Słońca, znalazła się w rękach Nadira, Księcia Zorzy. Nadal nie wie, jaki los czeka ją na wrogim dworze. Czego chce od niej mroczny fae? Ich relacja staje się coraz bardziej burzliwa i ognista, ale Lor wcale nie jest pewna, czy może zaufać Nadirowi....
Dziesięć kobiet. Śmiertelne współzawodnictwo. Tylko jedna zdobędzie rękę Króla Słońca.
Młoda kobieta od dzieciństwa przebywa w niewoli, gdzie jej codziennością są głód, przemoc i strach o życie. Tak wygląda Nostraza – świat uwięzionych w państwie Króla Zorzy. Nieoczekiwany ratunek dziewczyna znajdz...
After 100 years, I awake not to true love’s kiss, but to a blade at my throat.
Enchanted into an eternal slumber to escape an evil fae, Thorne is awakened, not by true love’s kiss, but by a man with a sword at her throat. So she does the only thing a princess can do—nails him in the balls and stick...
The Feral King thinks he'll break me. But I will break him first.
I’m a 400-year-old witch covered in tattoos—the source of my magic—but I’ve been hiding them for years, trying to escape my past.
After spending centuries at the mercy of royals who thirst only for power and the desire to make up fo...