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Fate of the Sun King

With the Heart Crown now in her possession, Lor must navigate the dangers of being an heir on the run, knowing more than one power-hungry ruler is after her blood. When she returns to Aphelion to unlock her magic and recover her family's legacy, it becomes clearer than ever that all that’s gold doesn’t sparkle. No stranger to battles, she continues to fight her attraction to the Aurora Prince, understanding this might be the one she finally loses.

As the past mixes with the present, Lor uncovers the truth about the Artefacts and their role in shaping her destiny. Now, her future hangs in the balance, leaving her closer than ever to getting everything she's ever wanted... or losing it all forever.

Seria Artefakty Uranosa

1. Tron Królowej Słońca
2. Dwór Króla Zorzy
3. Fate of the Sun King
4. Tale of the Heart Queen

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Dodał: Sanai
20 VII 2024 (5 miesięcy temu)

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