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The Dread Descendant

Academic rivals and an ancient prophecy.

Maeve is the only Magical with the ability to jump through minds. Mal is the youngest Supreme in history.

Who is the prophesied Dread Descendant? And will they save the Magical’s home realm before the darkness destroys their Magic completely?

“Maeve crossed the hall between them with confidence. In three short steps, she stood before his throne. A decaying skull broach appeared on his breast pocket. The final piece of his Dread Mark. She and Abraxas were the mouth and the sword. He was Death incarnate.”

Dark Magic comes at a cost, but Maeve Sinclair is willing to sacrifice more than just her Magic in exchange for freedom. She is the only witch with the ability to jump through minds. She and her magical world live in hiding on Earth, desperately waiting for the rise of the prophesied Dread Descendant. While praying for this Prince of Darkness to return them to their ancient home realm, the humans wage wars that threaten magic's very existence on Earth. When an unlikely friendship with Malachite Peur blossoms at the most prestigious magical academy in the world, the pair discovers that together they could be unstoppable.

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Dodał: Sanai
25 XI 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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