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War has broken out among the immortals. It’s time to choose a side.

Kat Dubois never asked to be the emissary for the good guys. Diplomacy isn’t her strong suit, and patience isn’t one of her personal virtues. But when a millennia-old god asks you to do a job to further the war cause, you do that job…especially when you’re the opposition’s most wanted.

Kat’s mission is complicated when a mysterious disease crops up among Seattle’s homeless population. It’s up to her to find a cure while the infection is contained, and to do that, she must go straight to the source—Ouroboros. It’s been a week since Kat promised to come after the twisted corporation; the time has come for her to fulfill that promise.

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Dodał: Sanai
29 X 2024 (miesiąc temu)

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