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A Blackened Bond

Death once claimed me, stole the air from my lungs as I burned alive…only I didn’t stay dead.

Instead I was returned to my past, and back to a living hell.

The Academy.

Where those who I believed were friends were actually foes. My enemies thought they could break me, but I proved them wrong.

Two months ago I was given a second chance…A second life.

With it I now wanted answers…and revenge.

But something went wrong.

Chaos is happening all around me. Moments in time that never happened before; new people, strange marks, mutated monsters, and a power growing inside me that I have yet to fully understand.

I’ve caused events to alter with my presence…so it’s time I followed suit.

With the bond’s I’ve created in this new life I’ll find the answers I want and reclaim what’s mine.

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Dodał: Sanai
06 X 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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