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When Izidora awakens to find six months have passed, her sole focus turns to revenge against Kazimir.

Driven by a burning desire for retribution, she plunges into the depths of her magic, discovering that where light once existed, darkness now reigns. This new, intoxicating power draws her in as she and Ruslan immerse themselves in her training.

With Ruslan’s encouragement to embrace her darkness, Izidora sheds the remnants of her identity as a victim who was chained in a cave and steps into being the insidious bloom ready to dig her sharp thorns into the Night Fae.

While she slept, Ruslan united the Crystal, Day, and Iron Realms under a single banner and amassed an army to confront the Night Realm. Yet to secure their victory, he must forge a dangerous alliance with someone he despises even more than Kazimir. With Izidora by his side on the battlefield, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her.

Because no one touches his mate and lives.

Especially Kazimir.

As the clash between these formidable forces looms, only one side can emerge victorious. Who will remain after the last battle is fought?

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Dodał: Sanai
05 X 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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