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Wings of Snow

I should have won the Rising Queen Trial. The crown that was destined to be placed upon my head now rests atop the vindictive witch who sought to steal my throne.

Left with no choice, I flee from the Solis continent even though my heart is shattering at leaving my love behind. But I can’t return to Solisarium until I’ve reclaimed my affinities and am able to fight with the crown prince at my side.

Yet enemies lie everywhere, and those I thought I could trust prove to be the biggest traitors of them all.

Trapped far from the icy north, I struggle to survive while learning who I’m destined to become.

One thing I know—victory comes to those who are worthy—if only I can achieve the destiny the gods have created for me.

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Dodał: Sanai
05 X 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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