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Thorns of Frost

Being entered into the Rising Queen Trial is equivalent to death. If I win, I’ll marry my enemy. If I lose, I’ll marry another fae of the king’s choosing. Either way, my freedom is lost unless I find a way to escape.

Intent on fleeing, I train my new affinities and learn what’s needed to survive while pretending to vie for the throne. With my sister at my side, I know we’ll find a way to prevent my enslavement to the Court of Winter.

But the Crown Prince has other ideas. As Prince Norivun’s interest in me grows, I’m determined to avoid his allure, until he reveals sides of himself he’d kept hidden—sides that make me want to succumb to the innate need burning inside me.

Now that his secrets are laid bare, devastating consequences loom for me and him. Consequences that not even the powerful prince could have foreseen.

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Dodał: Sanai
05 X 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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