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The Court that Bleeds Gold

Desperate to escape marrying a brutal king, I make a deal with a Fae Prince...

“I can spin gold,” I lie.

With my life at stake, I have no other choice.

I get one chance to turn my lie into truth, and I’m shocked when I succeed.

But now the cruel human king demands I become his wife—passing between his bed and being locked away in a tower, spinning gold until my last breath.

My only way out is to summon him.

A brutal Fae prince.

The deal we strike is sickening, but it’s the only way I’ll live after I’m caught escaping. My new captor drags me back to his realm.

A place of profound beauty and savage cruelties.

As wicked fairies play sadistic games, the prince is my sole protector.

He’s not just protecting me, though. He’s guarding his own secrets.

I should hate him. But our pact shows me a side his court never sees.

There is more behind his monstrous mask.

I can’t stop myself from looking.

Especially when I learn what he really wants with me.

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Dodał: Sanai
05 X 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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