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A Queen This Fierce and Deadly

The price of love is loss.
We all pay it eventually…
In every life…

Some moments are too painful to be endured.
Some moments will break you if you let them.

And yet I can’t afford to let anything break me. Because we have one chance to win this war. One chance to create a better life for everyone across the four kingdoms.

Even as our enemies ally with each other, and our own allies are forced to betray their kingdoms, their people…and themselves.
And even as Regner plans something so cruel, so wholly evil, he’s poised to douse the last remaining spark of hope in this world.

Unless we kill him first.

Seria Królestwo kłamstw

1. Dwór okrutny i piękny
2. A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty
3. A Crown This Cold and Heavy
4. A Queen This Fierce and Deadly

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Dodał: Sanai
30 IX 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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