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A Crown This Cold and Heavy

The unimaginable has happened,
And none of our lives will ever be the same.

Surrounded by enemies, I've never been further from my crown...

Or closer to death.

Amidst a betrayal we couldn't have anticipated, I'll do whatever it takes to find my way back to Lorian – before his fury lays waste to this continent.

Alliances are being forged and broken, our enemies are unifying, and Regner’s spiders are closer than ever before.

We have only one chance to prevent him from attaining god-like powers and enslaving every human, fae, and hybrid across the four kingdoms.

Meanwhile, the human king believes I’m trapped here, yearning for my death, and waiting for Lorian to save me.

But Regner hasn’t yet realized that I'll stop at nothing to free my people.

And he's the one who should be afraid of me.

Seria Królestwo kłamstw

1. Dwór okrutny i piękny
2. A Kingdom This Cursed and Empty
3. A Crown This Cold and Heavy
4. A Queen This Fierce and Deadly

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Dodał: Sanai
30 IX 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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