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A Realm of Dreams and Shadows

For Morte, two years have vanished into an abyss, erased by the mercy of the Luna goddess. Returned to the world she knows, but devoid of memories that tether her to the underworld, she finds herself in a realm both familiar and perplexing. Her heart beats with the rhythm of a life she cannot recall, haunted by a love she cannot remember.

In this why-choose romance, Morte stands at the center of a celestial struggle, torn between the world above and the shades beneath. As she fights to free her best friend from the clutches of an eternal prison, her soul echoes with the remnants of a forgotten bond.

Deep in the fae underworld, her unknown mates—a cadre of powerful, grief-stricken beings—forge a dreamscape, seeking to bridge the chasm between worlds. Their only to rekindle the memories of their shared love and bring her back to where she belongs. But as they weave this ethereal connection, a sinister threat looms, casting a dark shadow over their efforts.

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Dodał: Sanai
10 IX 2024 (4 miesięcy temu)

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