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A Court of Wicked Fae

A woman determined to destroy a conniving king. A fae lord who will sacrifice himself to shield her from harm. Can their love survive the upcoming battle?

A thorny band around my neck controls my every move and betrayal haunts me, but I’m still determined to seek vengeance for the death of my brother. I’ll do it with or without Vexxion’s help. But when he calls in his favor, I’m given no choice. If I don’t make another deal with this secretive fae man I still can’t resist, I’m doomed to fail.

Do I dare trust him again?

Vexxion continues to train my elusive magic. I do my best to evade those trying to kill me while working to free my friends from the realm where their souls wander. In between, I sneak into the castle aerie and work with the dragons, plus serve as lady in waiting to the king’s fiancé. She doesn’t realize how close her death looms.

But our time is running out. To win this deadly game, I may be forced to sacrifice everyone I love.

In the court of the wicked fae, the weak are exploited, secrets abound, and only the ruthless survive.

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Dodał: Sanai
28 VI 2024 (3 miesięcy temu)

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