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An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management

A human-centric guide to solving complex problems in engineering management, from sizing teams to handling technical debt.
There's a saying that people don't leave companies, they leave managers. Management is a key part of any organization, yet the discipline is often self-taught and unstructured. Getting to the good solutions for complex management challenges can make the difference between fulfillment and frustration for teams--and, ultimately, between the success and failure of companies.

Will Larson's An Elegant Puzzle focuses on the particular challenges of engineering management--from sizing teams to handling technical debt to performing succession planning--and provides a path to the good solutions. Drawing from his experience at Digg, Uber, and Stripe, Larson has developed a thoughtful approach to engineering management for leaders of all levels at companies of all sizes. An Elegant Puzzle balances structured principles and human-centric thinking to help any leader create more effective and rewarding organizations for engineers to thrive in.

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Wydawnictwo: Stripe Press
Rok wydania: 2019
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Dodał: Artur
31 I 2024 (rok temu)

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