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The Dream Kiss

Discover a story beyond your wildest dreams...

It's been three years since Princess Zora pricked her finger on a thorn, and nothing's been the same since. New poisonous thorns climb up walls and choke gardens. A mysterious sleeping sickness pulls people down mid-stride, even mid-sentence. Sleep settles over the kingdom, as its subjects grow more tired with every passing day. And no one ever dreams.

Well, almost no one.

Trapped inside her body, unable to respond, Zora is free when she dreams, free to run, fly, create, and discover new things in the dreamland. Now, with doom coming closer by the day, Zora must unravel the mystery of her curse, and work to solve it before it's too late.

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Dodał: Sanai
13 VI 2021 (ponad 4 lat temu)

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