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Regent Witches

My powers are back, my men are safe, but the academy has a new enemy.
And we are all at risk if we can't stop him.

The days of being in foster care are long in the past and I have everything in the family I have found at the academy, but Hawthorne threatens everything. New powers, dangerous experiments and monsters rising from the shadows...we have never been in this much danger.

I fell in love with four men at the academy, I found myself, my powers and lost them once before. This time I won't stop fighting until I get my happy ending.

Hawthorne might have been ruling the academy once before but he never controlled the students.
And we are fighting back.

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Kto dodał książkę do bazy?

Dodał: Sanai
10 VI 2021 (ponad 4 lat temu)

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