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Fallen King

Aenor's adventures continue...

Life in a fae castle should be pretty sweet. Except, my lover wants to take my magic from me, and I made a deal with the devil. Literally.

Salem is the light-bringer, gorgeous as sin and just as evil. Some call him Lucifer. What do I call him? Whatever he tells me to, because he’s cast a mind-control spell over me. He hates me, but I have a plan. I'll lead him to a sorcerer who can kill him.

But as I journey with the fallen god, I see him watching me, wanting me. And it's mutual. Turns out fate has a sick sense of humor, because my destiny ties me to Salem. Still, I have to stop him before he gets what he wants. Because if I fail, he will unleash hell on earth.

Seria Court of the Sea Fae

1. Dark King
2. Fallen King
3. Rising Queen

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Dodał: Sanai
21 III 2020 (ponad 5 lat temu)

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