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Black Spells and Twisted Souls

Kayla Harlow is an unlucky witch.

A dead boss, a demonic kitty in her bathtub, and a smoking hot detective… If only he wasn’t trying to pin her for the murder.

Between a mysterious fae prince with no sense of modesty or boundaries showing up, having to call a vengeance spirit, and more demons than she ever expected or wanted to meet appearing in her living room, an iced latte spilled all over her new dress is suddenly the least of her worries.

When white magic won’t save her, and black magic will taint her soul, what’s a witch to do?

Seria Grey Witch

1. Black Spells and Twisted Souls
2. White Charms and Dark Secrets
3. Grey Magic and Forbidden Love

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Dodał: Sanai
20 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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