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Stroke the Flame

Four sexy dragon shifters. A huntress with a dark past. A bond that could save the world.

I’ve spent my entire life running from my past and staying out of trouble. That’s how I’ve kept alive ever since my parents were killed by the Black Dragon, who’s ruled the world under her oppressive talons for as long as anyone can remember.

But it’s hard to keep a low profile when four handsome strangers turn up in your village claiming you’re destined to save the world. According to them, they’ve been chosen by the gods to become elemental dragons—and I’m their mate.

Which means one day I’ll be the most powerful dragon of all, able to control all four elements. Assuming I can unlock my powers first…by getting intimate with each of my sexy mates.

Auric, the clever prince. Jasin, the cocky soldier. Slade, the protective blacksmith. Reven, the mysterious assassin. And me. We’re the only ones who can bring balance to the world and overthrow the Black Dragon—if she doesn’t tear us to shreds first.

Seria Her Elemental Dragons

1. Stroke the Flame
2. Kiss the Sky
3. Shake the Earth
4. Ride the Wave
5. Embrace the Dark

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Dodał: Sanai
17 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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