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Witch's Exile

We’re on the run and not even my mind is safe.

The nightmares won’t stop. I can’t sleep at all. My enemies have planted my worst fears in my head to exhaust me of my magic. If I don’t uncover the final element I need soon, they just might succeed.

To make matters worse, my heart is breaking. Raum hasn’t spoken to me in nearly a week. I can’t share with him the single shred of happiness that’s keeping me going through all this. If he leaves me, I’m not sure how I’ll go on.

Constantly on the move, our latest home comes with mysterious new neighbors. I can only hope they’re friendly. I can’t handle more enemies.

Seria Unholy Trinity

1. Witch's Dawn
2. Witch's Rite
3. Witch's Betrayal
4. Witch's Exile
5. Witch's Rebirth

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Dodał: Sanai
17 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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