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Witch's Rite

My powers are growing.

And my dreams are actually memories from lifetimes before.

Which doesn’t make sense because witches aren’t immortal. I’m starting to wonder if I’m something else entirely. I remember more every day, but the answers I need are always just out of reach.

While I’m trying to figure this all out, a community of witches has opened their arms to me. I’m dying for a family that accepts me, but how much can I trust them?

And those three demons? They’re an infuriating (but sexy as hell) pain in my ass. They could also be the only ones with answers to my mother’s death.

Side note: I think I’m falling for them.

Seria Unholy Trinity

1. Witch's Dawn
2. Witch's Rite
3. Witch's Betrayal
4. Witch's Exile
5. Witch's Rebirth

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Dodał: Sanai
17 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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