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Witch's Dawn

One day, I’m nobody. The next, I’m a witch. And I’ve caught the attention of three smoking hot demons.

I left home to start over, to escape a world I never fit in. I soon learned that my past was a lie. My parents suppressed my magical abilities and tried to make me forget my true nature. They almost succeeded.

Now my real grandmother is back in my life and teaching me the craft of our people. After living my whole life without magic, I feel like a blind woman seeing for the first time.

But three devilishly handsome men are saying there’s more to my story. I see them everywhere, even in my dreams which are starting to feel like distant memories.

They say I’m not an ordinary witch. My grandmother says not to trust them. Who do I believe?

Seria Unholy Trinity

1. Witch's Dawn
2. Witch's Rite
3. Witch's Betrayal
4. Witch's Exile
5. Witch's Rebirth

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Dodał: Sanai
17 I 2019 (ponad 6 lat temu)

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