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The Pearl of the Soul of the World

All the world’s wisdom and magic resides within the iridescent depths of a small white pearl. “All my sorcery,” the Ancient Ravenna had said of the pearl. “It is left to you to save the world.” But is the pearl powerful enough to enable Aeriel to defeat the White Witch? Aeriel’s people have assembled an army--led by the redeemed darkangel Irrylath--and are soon to attack the Witch and her darkangel sons. But their cause is hopeless unless Aeriel can unlock the mysteries of the pearl... and of her own destiny.

Trylogia Darkangel

1. The Darkangel
2. A Gathering of Gargoyles
3. The Pearl of the Soul of the World

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Dodał: Sanai
03 III 2018 (ponad 7 lat temu)

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