The Sixth book in the Lorien Legacies, The Fate of Ten was released on 1st September 2015.
This is the day we've been training for. The day we've all feared. Their ships have invaded Earth. If we can't find a way to stop them now, humans could suffer the same fate as our people: annihilation.
I wish I could be with John on the front lines of the battle in New York City, but I am hoping-praying-that the key to our survival lies within the Sanctuary. This is where the Elders always meant for their plan for us. There is a power that had been hidden beneath the earth for generations. A power that could save the world or destroy it. And now we have awoken it.
They killed Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
Number Three in Kenya.
And Number Eight in Florida
I am Number Six- but our numbers don't matter anymore.
Because now we are not the only ones with Legacies.
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