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A Gatlin Wedding

Does it always come down to Destiny? The Wheel of Fate? Who's behind that Wheel? What kind of idiot is doing the driving around here?

The day has finally arrived: Mitchell Wate and Lillian English are getting married. Everyone has come together--Ethan and Lena, John and Liv, even Link is back in town--and there's enough pie to make Amma proud. But despite the joyous occasion, Ethan can't help but worry that something feels...off.

When Siren-turned-Hybrid Caster Ridley blows into town unannounced, Ethan's suspicions are confirmed. And it's worse than he imagined: Silas Ravenwood is coming for them, and no one in Gatlin is safe. Has the Wheel of Fate finally caught up to them, or can the Casters and Mortals come together to stop it in its tracks?

Cykl Kroniki Obdarzonych:

1. Piękne Istoty
2. Istoty Ciemności
3. Istoty Chaosu
4. Beautiful Redemption

Cykl Niebezpieczne Istoty

0.5. Dangerous Dream
1. Niebezpieczne Istoty
2. Niebezpieczne złudzenie

Dream Dark

Cykl Beautiful Creatures: The Untold Stories

The Mortal Heart
The Seer's Spread
Before the Claiming
A Gatlin Wedding

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Ocena: 1
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Dodał: Sanai
25 V 2017 (ponad 8 lat temu)

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