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The Death of Robin Hood

England rebels...

War rages across the land. In the wake of Magna Carta, King John's treachery is revealed and the barons rise against him once more. Fighting with them is the Earl of Locksley - the former outlaw Robin Hood - and his right-hand man Sir Alan Dale.

France invades...

When the French enter the fray, with the cruel White Count leading the charge, Robin and Alan must decide where their loyalties lie: with those who would destroy the king and seize his realm or with the beloved land of their birth.

A hero lives for ever...

Fate is inexorable and Death waits for us all. Or does it? Can Robin Hood pull off his greatest ever trick and cheat the Grim Reaper one last time just as England needs him most?

The climactic episode of The Outlaw Chronicles is the most explosive yet - but who will survive and who will fall when the final reckoning comes?

Cykl The Outlaw Chronicles

1. Ojciec chrzestny z Sherwood
2. Robin Hood. Krzyżowiec z Sherwood
3. King's Man
4. Warlord
5. Grail Knight
6. The Iron Castle
7. The King's Assassin
8. The Death of Robin Hood

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Dodał: Sanai
25 IX 2016 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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