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May 1194. Finally released from captivity, Richard the Lionheart is in Normandy engaged in a bloody war to drive the French out of his continental patrimony. Using the brutal tactics of medieval warfare - siege, savagery and scorched earth - the Lionheart is gradually pushing back the forces of King Philip of France. By his side in this epic struggle are Robert, Earl of Locksley, better known as the erstwhile outlaw Robin Hood, and Sir Alan Dale, his loyal friend, and a musician and warrior of great skill and renown. But while the battles rage and the bodies pile up, Robin seems only to be interested in making a profit from the devastation of war, while Alan is preoccupied with discovering the identity the man who ordered his father's death ten years earlier - and the mystery is leading him towards to Paris, deep in the heart of the enemy's territory ...

Cykl The Outlaw Chronicles

1. Ojciec chrzestny z Sherwood
2. Robin Hood. Krzyżowiec z Sherwood
3. King's Man
4. Warlord
5. Grail Knight
6. The Iron Castle
7. The King's Assassin
8. The Death of Robin Hood

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Dodał: Sanai
25 IX 2016 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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