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Magic Kingdom

In the aftermath of the bloodbath in London, mercenary Alex Dering is just trying to get her life back to normal—whatever “normal” is for a mage with a newly-awakened dragon side. Her latest assignment: a job for the Magic Council, the leaders of the supernatural community and the people who sentenced Alex’s kind to death.

Apparently, normal just wasn’t in the cards.

A new and mysterious supernatural threat has arrived in Munich, someone who melts buildings, summons forth armies of the dead, then vanishes without a trace. If Alex can’t catch this rampaging supernatural, tensions between humans and supernaturals might just boil over.

Seria Dragon Born Alexandria

1. Magic Edge
2. Blood Magic
3. Magic Kingdom
4. Shadow Magic

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Dodał: Sanai
28 VI 2016 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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