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Shear Heaven

In this "Rapunzel" retelling, Bella Capelli, a hair stylist who works on the 32nd floor of the New York Metro Tower Hotel, meets His Serene Highness Prince Nico De'Medici, in town for the wedding of his twin sister, Valentina. Though the two come from vastly different worlds, and Nico is promised to another, the handsome prince can't seem to stay away from sweet Bella. After a whirlwind week of romance, will they manage to find their happily-ever-after?

Seria Współczesne baśnie

1. Weteran
2. Nigdy nie pozwolę ci odejść
3. Ginger's Heart
4. Dark Sexy Knight
5. Don't Speak
6. Shear Heaven
7. Fragments of Ash
8. Swan Song

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Dodał: Miravelle
18 VI 2016 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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