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He isn’t everything he says he is. He’s even more…

Who is Chase Tallman, the newest member of Shadow Falls? What made him into the sexy, mysterious vampire he is today? And what led him to Della Tsang?

Step back in time and unearth the secrets that haunt him. The secret of how he became a vampire—and how he knows so much about being reborn. Secrets about his first love, his family--and what steers him toward Della, the beautiful, complicated girl he just can’t seem to stay away from. The one who makes him want things he thought he’d given up on long ago.

It all began with a research study, a palm reader, and a plane crash that sent him on a quest…for a love that’s unbreakable.

Seria Wodospady cienia: Po zmroku

0.5 Unbreakable
1. Odrodzona
2. Wieczna
3. Niewypowiedziana
3.5 Prawie o północy
4. Midnight Hour

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Ocena: 1
Liczba głosów: 1
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Dodał: Miravelle
09 IX 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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