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Jack Absolute

In 1777 Jack Absolute, the charming lover in Sheridan's comedy The Rivals, is famous throughout London. However, this notoriety comes as something of a shock to the real Jack Absolute when he arrives in England after four months at sea. But there's barely time for outrage before he finds himself dueling for his life. Even worse, as soon as he's won the duel he's forced to flee London by the quickest means possible, becoming a spy in America's war of Independence.

Thus we meet Jack Absolute - rogue, duelist, charmer and Captain in the Light Dragoons.

Cykl Jack Absolute

1. Jack Absolute
2. The Blooding of Jack Absolute
3. Absolute Honour

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Dodał: Sanai
27 VII 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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