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Prophecy's Child

The end of a race...
The beginning of history...
The birth of a warrior.

Rezmona, the demon Queen of Abrinthill, has spent her life maintaining the breeding program in order to secure a future for her race. But now she faces something she's never encountered before.

Kylie, a prisoner who's been gathered for the breeding program, is different than any other before her. Not only is she able to withstand the damaging preparations all prisoners must endure...she's actually able to fight back. The demons quickly learn she's not only a threat to the breeding program, but to their very lives as well.

Kylie is the Prophecy's Child.

Seria Ovialell

1. Aradia Awakens
2. Queen of The Witches
3. Witch Won


Prophecy's Child
Shay and the Box of Nye
The Rise of Rae

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Dodał: Sanai
11 VII 2015 (ponad 9 lat temu)

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