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Breaking Emma

Emma Deen’s first love had been dancing. Then she met her second love—Travis Winters. He had rocked her world in more than one way. Finding out that your boyfriend was half-demon was a shock of the decade. Finding out that your family had a deep dark secret….well, that changed everything. What she knew, she learned at the hands of her father.

Dancing was no longer the sole purpose of her life. It was no longer her future. And Travis was no longer the love of her life… He was the enemy.

Emma was many things. A skilled bowman. Trained in martial arts. A hunter.

It had been a year since she had stepped foot in Spring Valley and Emma was an entirely different person. Now that she was back, things were about to get messy and people were going to get hurt.

But could she live with their blood on her hands? Travis’s blood on her hands?

Cykl Divisa

0.5. Losing Emma
1. Saving Angel
2. Hunting Angel
2.5. Breaking Emma
3. Chasing Angel
4. Loving Angel

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Dodał: Sanai
16 VI 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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