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The Cupcake Diaries: Taste of Romance

Kimberly Burke has avoided all types of risk since her mother's deadly plane crash—including risky relationships. Seems like everyone is always leaving her behind: her ex-boyfriend, her mother, and now her sister Andi and best friend Rachel—who have each found the man of her dreams.

Then she meets Nathaniel when she mistakes his backyard for the new community park. He loves her passion, and when he learns of her wistful desire to travel, he takes her up in a hot air balloon, hoping to overcome her fear of flying so that she can accompany him abroad.

But before he leaves, they must catch the Cupcake Bandit and replace the money stolen from Creative Cupcakes before the shop is shut down. Will discovering the thief's identity persuade Kim to take a risk on love . . . or will she stay behind and let Nathaniel fly off without her?

Seria The Cupcake Diaries

1. Sweet on You
2. Recipe for Love
3. Taste of Romance
4. Spoonful of Christmas
5. Sprinkled with Kisses

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Dodał: Sanai
10 VI 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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