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The Darkest Touch

From New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter comes the long-awaited story of Torin, the most dangerous Lord of the Underworld yet…

Fierce immortal warrior. Host to the demon of Disease. Torin’s every touch causes sickness and death—and a worldwide plague. Carnal pleasure is utterly forbidden, and though he has always overcome temptation with an iron will, his control is about to shatter.

She is Keeley Cael. The Red Queen. When the powerful beauty with shocking vulnerabilities escapes from a centuries-long imprisonment, the desire that simmers between her and Torin is scorching. His touch could mean the end for her, but resisting her is the hardest battle he’s ever fought—and the only battle he fears he can’t win.

Cykl "Władcy podziemi" :

1. Mroczna noc
2. Mroczna więź
3. Mroczna żądza
4. Mroczny szept
5. Mroczna namiętność
6. Mroczne kłamstwo
7. Mroczny sekret
8. The Darkest Surrender
9. The Darkest Seduction
10. The Darkest Craving
11. The Darkest Touch

Opowiadania uzupełniające:

0.Mroczny ogień
3.1. Mroczny Więzień
4.1.Mroczny Anioł

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Dodał: Miravelle
10 VI 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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