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Scared of Spiders

Bring on the bug spray, because to prevail, Josie’s going to have to face her greatest fear.

Josie’s not a brave person, and she’s especially scared of spiders. Imagine her surprise when she finds herself attracted to not one, but two, larger than life men.

Clint and Brandon both want the timid mouse who’s come to work for them—and their beasts are chafing to mark her—but when she can’t decide between them, there’s only one thing to do—share her.

Before they can convince Josie that a threesome would benefit them all, they need to take care of the menace threatening their chosen mate. And when Josie confronts the bogeyman of her nightmares, she discovers an emotion stronger than fear—love.

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Dodał: Sanai
21 V 2015 (ponad 10 lat temu)

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