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Undead and Unwelcome

Betsy Taylor has problems that only a vampire queen/suburban wife could possibly understand. Such as taking the body of her werewolf friend Antonia—who died in her service—to Cape Cod, where she's not sure if the Wyndham werewolves will welcome her with fangs or friendship. Meanwhile, her posse back in St. Paul is sending frantic e-mails alerting Betsy to her half-sister's increasingly erratic behavior. Looks like the devil's daughter is coming into her own—and raising hell.


1. Nieumarła i niezamężna
2. Nieumarła i bezrobotna
3. Nieumarła i niedoceniona
4. Nieumarła nieodwracalnie
5. Undead and Unpopular
6. Undead and Uneasy
7. Undead and Unworthy
8. Undead and Unwelcome
9. Undead and Unfinished
10. Undead and Undermined
11. Undead and Unstable
12. Undead And Unsure

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Ocena: 1
Liczba głosów: 1
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Dodał: godelaine
03 VI 2012 (ponad 13 lat temu)

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