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A Witch in Love

The second novel in the enchanting Winter Trilogy

Anna still finds it hard to believe that Seth loves her and has vowed to suppress her powers, no matter what. But magic—like love—is uncontrollable. It spills out with terrible consequences, and soon, Anna is being hunted. Abe wants Anna to embrace her power, while Seth is pushing Anna to accept that his feelings are real. She finally does, a moment too late. Suddenly, it's like the Salem witch trials all over again: burnings, torture, and faceless judgements. In the face of the ultimate betrayal, who will save her?

Trylogia Winter

1. A Witch in Winter
2. A Witch in Love
3. A Witch Alone

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Ocena: 1
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Dodał: rapmetka
04 I 2012 (ponad 13 lat temu)

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