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The Hollow: The Hidden

Cykl "Pustka":

Love and mystery mix in the final installment of this spine-tingling, hauntingly gorgeous trilogy, which L.J. Smith calls "Spectacular!"
In the long-awaited conclusion to the bestselling saga of Abbey and Caspian, readers finally learn the truth about Kristen's untimely death, the dark destiny that links Abbey to Caspian and ties them both to the town of Sleepy Hollow, and the hard choices that Abbey must make if she is to accept Caspian's love and their unexpected fate.
Beautifully spun, emotionally gripping, and irresistibly romantic, The Hidden will leave readers breathless.

1. Pustka
2. Nawiedzana
3. The Hidden

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Ocena: 6
Liczba głosów: 1
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Dodał: annie28
20 I 2011 (ponad 14 lat temu)

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