The Ambhan Empire is crumbling. A terrible war of succession hovers on the horizon. The only hope for peace lies in the mysterious realm of ash, where mortals can find what they seek in the echoes of their ancestors' dreams. But to walk there requires a steep price.
Arwa is determined to make the j...
The prophecy of the nameless god—the words that declared Malini the rightful empress of Parijatdvipa—has proven a blessing and curse. She is determined to claim the throne that fate offered her. But even with the strength of the rage in her heart and the army of loyal men by her side, deposing her b...
Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an ancient temple that was once the source of the powerful, magical deathless waters — but is now little more than a decaying ruin.
Priya is a maidservant, one among several who make the treacherous journey to th...
Mehr jest półsierotą, nieślubną córką cesarskiego urzędnika. Jest cicha, na pozór pokorna i ma macochę, która robi co może, by zamienić jej życie w piekło. Ale, wbrew pozorom, to nie jest kolejna wersja baśni o Kopciuszku.
Bo Mehr ma też moc, którą odziedziczyła po wygnanej matce. W jej żyłach płyn...