It’s not in my nature to beg, but I’ll stay on my knees until I feel that flame sputter out.
And then …
I’ll rip the world to shreds.
I’ve tumbled into a darkness so deep it’s hard to see the light, my petals curling inward as I tip my face from the sun. Hide from my monstrous actions.
Traitor. Mu...
Raeve pracuje dla grupy rebeliantów jako elitarna zabójczyni. Jej zadaniem jest wykonywać rozkazy i nie dać się złapać. Do czasu, kiedy rywal Raeve, łowca nagród, obraca w gruzy jej świat, a on a sama wpada w ręce Gildii Szlachty, grupy wpływowych fae.
Kaan Vaegor, jeździec smoków, pogrążony w żało...
I want him to hurt. To bleed.
I want him to snap, just like he snapped me.
Once upon a time, my world was small and sheltered. Everything changed the moment I stepped over my Safety Line, barreling towards a coupling with a man I hardly know.
He wants me. All of me.
Dunked in a charged political...
What a pretty flower to keep locked in a big, rocky tower.
Nineteen years ago, I was plucked from the heart of a bloody massacre that spared nobody else.
Small. Fragile.
An enigma.
Now ward to a powerful High Master who knows too much and says too little, I lead a simple life, never straying from...