St. Petersburg, Russia, 1890
Katerina Alexandrovna, Duchess of Oldenburg, wants to be known as a doctor, not a necromancer. But Tsar Alexander III forbids women to attend medical school; his interest in Katerina extends only to her ability to raise the dead. Twice now, Katerina has helped him by us...
Lush and opulent, romantic and sinister, The Unfailing Light, Volume II in The Katerina Trilogy, reimagines the lives of Russia's aristocracy in a fabulously intoxicating and page-turning fantasy.
Having had no choice but to use her power has a necromancer to save Russia from dark forces, Katerina...
Petersburg, Rosja, rok 1888. Wstępując w wir świecących kul, królewska debiutantka, Katerina Alexandrovna, Księżna Oldenburga, stara się ukryć mroczny sekret: potrafi wskrzeszać zmarłych. Nikt nie wie. Nawet jej rodzina. Nawet dziewczyny w szkole, którą ukończyła. Nawet nie car ani nikt z jej arysto...