Książki autorstwa Dawn Metcalf

Dawn Metcalf

Love must be stronger than fear, stronger than fate.  Invincible.  The future of two worlds depends on it.  Joy Malone has learned to live between two realities, surviving mortal threats and agonizing betrayals. And she's found true love. But the world of the Twixt is in chaos, and the Council wa...

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Dawn Metcalf

True evil is rarely obvious. It is quiet, patient. Insidious. Awaiting the perfect moment to strike. Joy Malone finally knows who she is, where she comes from and how to live in two worlds at once. And now she can introduce her family and friends to her mysterious boyfriend, Indelible Ink. But...

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Dawn Metcalf

Some things lie beneath the surface. Invisible. With the power to change everything. Joy Malone wants it all—power, freedom and the boyfriend who loves her. Yet when an unstoppable assassin is hired to kill her, Joy learns that being the girl with the Sight comes with a price that might be too...

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Dawn Metcalf

Some things are permanent. Indelible. And they cannot be changed back. Joy Malone learns this the night she sees a stranger with all-black eyes across a crowded room—right before the mystery boy tries to cut out her eye. Instead, the wound accidentally marks her as property of Indelible Ink, and...

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Dawn Metcalf

As reality slips and time stands still, Consuela finds herself thrust into the world of the Flow. Removed from all she loves into this shifting world overlapping our own, Consuela quickly discovers she has the power to step out of her earthly skin and cloak herself in new ones—skins made from the wo...

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Książek: 5