The curse plaguing the Ashbourne and Bask families has finally been broken, but Farrin, the eldest Ashbourne daughter, still struggles to find peace. Unflappable and tireless, her composure masks a seething sorrow. Since her mother abandoned the family, Farrin has been their rock—managing her father...
Lady Gemma Ashbourne seemingly has it all. She's young, gorgeous, and rich. Her family was Anointed by the gods, blessed with incredible abilities. But underneath her glittering façade, Gemma is deeply sad. Years ago, her sister Mara was taken to the Middlemist to guard against treacherous magic. He...
Jedna z najlepszych powieści fantasy YA LGBTQ+ wg serwisu BuzzFeed!
Gdy tajemnicze zło morduje ludzi, ona decyduje się sięgnąć po najpotężniejszą dla kobiety moc – ukrytą w czerwonym kapturze – moc czarownicy.
Książka o kobiecej potędze ‒ pełna tajemnic czyhających w mroku i mocy czerpiącej z k...
Beware of the woods and the dark, dank deep.
He’ll follow you home, and he won’t let you sleep.
Who are the Sawkill Girls?
Marion: the new girl. Awkward and plain, steady and dependable. Weighed down by tragedy and hungry for love she’s sure she’ll never find.
Zoey: the pariah. Luckless and lone...
Victoria hates nonsense. There is no need for it when your life is perfect. The only smudge on her pristine life is her best friend Lawrence. He is a disaster, lazy and dreamy, shirt always untucked, obsessed with his silly piano. Victoria often wonders why she ever bothered being his friend. (Lawre...
• Her parents, who are having problems. (But they pretend like they’re not.)
• Being sent to her grandparents’ house for the summer.
• Never having met said grandparents.
• Her blue days—when life feels overwhelming, and it’s hard to keep her head up. (...
Olivia Stellatella is having a rough year.
Her mother’s left, her neglectful father—the maestro of a failing orchestra—has moved her and her grandmother into the city’s dark, broken-down concert hall to save money, and her only friend is Igor, an ornery stray cat.
Just when she thinks life couldn’...
Dwie królowe. Dzieli je tysiąc lat, łączy jedno proroctwo. Teraz zmierzą się ze swoim ostatecznym przeznaczeniem.
Rielle czuje się odtrącona przez najbliższych. Zwraca się do Coriena, któremu uwierzyła w obietnice potęgi. Głos anioła, który słyszy w głowie, doprowadza ją do obłędu i zachęca do otwa...