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Chris Pavone

Zdjęcie Chris Pavone
I was born in 1968, grew up in New York City, and attended Midwood High School in Brooklyn and Cornell University, where I majored in government. I worked at a number of publishing houses over nearly two decades, most notably as an editor at Clarkson Potter, where I specialized in cookbooks (I love to cook). In the late nineties, I also wrote a little book called The Wine Log.

I’m the father of twin schoolboys named Sam and Alex, and an old cocker spaniel named Charlie Brown (he’s brown), and the husband of Madeline McIntosh. I’ve lived in New York City my entire life, except for college and the year and a half that we lived in Luxembourg, where I started writing The Expats in the cafés of the cobblestony old town. We now live in Greenwich Village and the North Fork of Long Island.

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Dodał: BlissLlewellyn
22 VIII 2013 (ponad 12 lat temu)

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