In the compelling sequel to Blackbird, Anna Carey delivers a gritty and adrenaline-filled story of a girl desperate to escape her mysterious and terrifying assailants. Told in second person, this heart-pounding thriller puts the reader in front of the target.
A week ago, you woke up in Los Angeles...
This twisty, breathless cat-and-mouse thrill ride, told in the second person, follows a girl with amnesia in present-day Los Angeles who is being pursued by mysterious and terrifying assailants.
A girl wakes up on the train tracks, a subway car barreling down on her. With only minutes to react, she...
The fate of The New America rests with Eve in this stunning finale to the Eve trilogy.
Eve is trapped in the City of Sand, married to a man of her father’s choosing, but she can’t forget her love for Caleb—or her passion for the rebel cause. When rebel armies invade the city, Eve uses her po...
Sixteen years have passed since a deadly virus wiped out most of the Earth’s population. After learning of the terrifying part she and her classmates were fated to play in the rebuilding of New America, eighteen-year-old Eve fled to the wilds and Califia, a haven for women determined to live ou...
Osiemnastoletnia Eve nigdy nie wyszła za pilnie strzeżony teren zamkniętej szkoły, gdzie ona i dwieście innych dziewcząt przygotowuje się do roli elity Nowej Ameryki. Ale w przeddzień ukończenia nauki odkrywa szokującą prawdę o jej prawdziwym celu – i o przerażającym losie, jaki ją czeka.