"Is Vampire Academy going to be a movie?
An author can't just decide to make a movie, not unless she has $50 million sitting around or her own studio! A studio needs to agree to take the project and invest the money. Right now, VA film rights are in the control of Preger Entertainment, who is trying to get a studio on board. Until that happens, there is no filming, no script, and NO casting happening. Everything is on hold. So far, there have been no studio deals, likely because this a vampire saturated market. So, the short answer to this question is, "I don't know." Read this post to get the facts on that and this interview where they answer popular questions. Preger also maintains an active Facebook page with updates. IMDB has a page with a release date, but that's just a placeholder. There is no real date yet because nothing is in production."
"If there's a Vampire Academy movie, can I be it? Will you let me audition?
Unfortunately, this is nothing I would have any control over! If there was a VA movie (and like I said, there are no plans right now), it would all be in the film company's hands."
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