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Klątwa tygrysa. Tiger's Tale

The Tiger's Curse takes many forms ...

Anastasia and Verusha Stepanov are the tsar's only children, heirs to the prosperous and sprawling Kievian Empire. Headstrong and fierce, the twins have long scorned their father's opulent palace and the diplomatic obligations that come with it, preferring to train with the Royal Guard and dream of a soldier's life beyond the palace walls.

But with their father lost in the recent war and their once indomitable mother succumbing to illness, the young women know that one of them must soon ascend the throne, make a politically advantageous marriage, and begin producing heirs. Yet, the succession is far from clear as both would prefer the path of the second born: head the Royal Guard, travel the far reaches of the empire, and seek out a destiny of her own making.

As their beloved mother's condition worsens, the sisters grow more desperate, seeking any healer who might give her more time. But when a stranger arrives offering another option, the sisters refuse his proposal and banish the strange man. As he departs, the stranger unleashes a devastating curse that sends Veru and Stacia fleeing their home on an adventure beyond anything they ever imagined ...

Klątwa tygrysa:

0.5 Tiger's Promise
1. Klątwa tygrysa
2. Klątwa tygrysa.Wyzwanie
3. Klątwa tygrysa.Wyprawa
4. Klątwa tygrysa. Przeznaczenie
5. Klątwa tygrysa. Tiger's Dream
6. Klątwa tygrysa. Tiger's Tale

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15 XI 2024 (4 miesięcy temu)

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